Every business has a Business Anniversary, but what set up you apart is how you leverage this annual milestone. Will you put yours to work for you this year?
In the last EZ Profit Report newsletter, Platinum Elite Merchant and Newsletter Contributor, Bent Hansen, shared with us all the creative ways he leveraged and created longevity from his TripAdvisor Traveller’s Choice Best of the Best – #14 Top Everyday Eats Award. This month, when you flip over to the Marketing Toolbox insert, you’ll find out how he’s doing the same for the 25th Anniversary of his business.
Your business anniversary is the gift that keeps on giving… every year in fact. It’s a reason to pull out your marketing toolbox, celebrate with your customers, create exposure in your community and build your sales. A little secret? It doesn’t have to be the actual date you opened. And it doesn’t have to be a milestone number.
It also doesn’t have to coincide with your opening day, rather it can be leveraged to a time of year where you have a natural sales lull. It could be the anniversary of the date you signed the lease, or the date you opened the bank account or the date you told your family and friends what you wanted to do. Pick the date that works best for you.
Here are some examples of what other Royalty Rewards® Merchants have done to promote and celebrate their Business Anniversaries.
Jerrol’s Book & Supply Co. celebrates their anniversary every June (using direct mail, email and social media) by partnering with a local ice cream shop and offering free ice cream. Each year this has been in place, sales ranged from $21,127.37 to $38,546.82! Next year is Jerrol’s 75th Anniversary and they are already working with their Coach on plans to celebrate all year long!
Jantz Cafe celebrated their 2021 anniversary with a Scratch Campaign. The scratch postcard had a variety of gifts: a Whole Pie, a $20.00 Gift Certificate, a 20th Anniversary T-Shirt, a 20th Anniversary Coffee Cup or a 20th Anniversary Baseball Cap!
Their two locations brought in an additional $52,816.53. A Scratch Campaign is easy to come up with any month of the year and creates a lot of excitement in your business. Your Coach has all the inside tips and tricks to help select your prizes.
Metro Pets had an anniversary celebration in November and gave a simple 15% off offer. The end result? An additional $2,910.17 in sales for the month.
When you decide to celebrate your Business Anniversary is completely up to you. But
we highly recommend making it an annual event and a big celebration. In addition to a
direct mail offer, remember to coordinate emails, social media posts, your website and
in-house marketing. It’s a celebration so make it a BIG deal and let EVERYONE know
about it!