Lessons to Learn From the Sears Wish Book

When I was a kid, it was a banner day when the Sears Wish Book arrived on our doorstep. My brother and I would each take turns dreaming and circling items we hoped Santa would bring. Inevitably, and much to our delight, some of the items would end up under the tree on Christmas morning (except the Barbie Star Traveler Motorhome…I am STILL a bit bitter).

Sears printed its iconic Wish Book from 1933 to 2011. If you aren’t familiar with it (and didn’t experience the magic and awe of pawing through the pages yourself), it was a popular Christmas-themed catalog released by Sears annually in late summer/early fall, containing toys and other holiday-related items. During its 78-year run, Sears reported that “tens of millions” in sales were made. All from mailing a catalog.

Amazon’s ‘Holiday Dash’ Direct Mail catalogue created notable backlash… Prime Members were ANGRY that THEY didn’t receive a copy!

It’s no wonder that Amazon, the online behemoth, followed suit last Christmas mailing a ‘Holiday Dash’ catalog to Prime Members targeted as toy buyers (most likely based on their purchase history). The biggest backlash they received was people upset about NOT getting one in the mail.

When it comes to these giant companies, you might find yourself wondering what sort of magic sorcery they use to build their massive empires. It’s Not Magic, It’s Math.

Amazon printed and mailed a catalog because of the high return on investment it would generate. When used in a targeted way, Direct Mail will almost always produce a higher ROI than any other form of marketing. Why?

It Stands Out. These days, a trip to the mailbox can be full of bills and boredom, so when something out of the ordinary arrives (especially an oversized full color postcard using your name front and back), it catches your attention, and YOU READ IT. Fun Fact: According to USPS, a whopping 98% of people check their mail daily and Americans can spend upwards of 30 minutes with their mail on a single occasion.

It’s Tangible. Unlike an email or online ad, Direct Mail pieces are physical items that recipients can hold in their hands, put on their fridge, or leave in their vehicle. This is a CONSTANT REMINDER of the offer available to them and is a physical reminder to visit your business. Direct Mail DOES NOT get pushed to the bottom of the email inbox.

It’s easy to MEASURE. The ability to ACCURATELY measure your marketing not only provides you with a clear picture of your return on your investment, but it also gives you the power of making data-backed decisions. If you know WHAT gets your customers to respond and in what ways, you can apply that knowledge to future marketing efforts and increase your results multifold.

It’s a Great Complement to Digital Marketing Efforts. The best performing marketing campaign is communicated via multiple methods. We integrate Direct Mail with digital channels like email, text, your custom app and social media to reinforce your message and boost overall campaign performance.

For Sears, the power of direct mail and its ‘Wish Book’ catalogue generated ‘tens of millions” in sales for the department store giant.

Cost vs. Investment

When a new client joins Royalty Rewards®, it’s not uncommon for them to initially shy away from understanding Direct Mail as a key part of their program.


Why? At no fault of their own, some clients often look at marketing as just a cost and fail to consider the return.

But they quickly come to learn what is known by all smart marketers; Marketing is an investment. An investment that is proven to drive growth, increase transaction size and create measurable returns.

At Royalty Rewards®, we take measuring results very seriously. The ability to ACCURATELY measure your marketing not only provides you with a clear picture of your return on your investment, but it also gives you the power of making data-backed decisions: to use this information to refine your offers, optimize your campaigns, and achieve a higher return on investment (ROI) over time.

Have a look at the example we’ve included here showing the power of accurately measuring campaign results for two independent businesses. With this information at their fingertips, the Business Owners don’t have to ask whether the campaign worked or not. They know exactly WHAT their customers respond to and in what capacity. And they are equipped to make better informed marketing decisions that will continue to increase their marketing return on investment.

On the topic of these results… WOW! If I gave you $47 for every $1 you give me, how many times would you do it? What about $194 for every $1?

At Royalty Rewards®, results rule. If you need help ensuring your campaigns are being tracked properly and consistently, your Royalty Rewards® Coach is available to help.