A Horse (err…. Fish) Of A Different Color

Each member in your database is UNIQUE. When creating a marketing campaign to existing members, do not underestimate the importance of targeting the right members with the right offer to maximize response.

A dynamic marketing calendar will include regular communications targeting a VARIETY of member groups…. and these extra targeting steps will make your fishing expeditions more successful. Consider some of these targeting combinations and ask your Coach for recommendations of who to target and with what.

Spending AND Visits

Of course, we can target members based on spending and visits. They are some of the most common requests we receive. But to extract the most from your database, and with the right promotion, it’ll serve you better to target a very specific type of visitor.

In planning your upcoming summer promotions, think about how these combinations might leverage your campaign:
– Members who spent more than $XXX.XX last July & August
– Members with 3 or more visits last July & August
– Members who spent more than $XXX.XX in ONE transaction
– Members with more than $XX in total spend in the last 6 months

Pro Tip #1: Target members who visited LAST July/August, with a targeted campaign THIS July/August.

Pro Tip #2: A very popular strategy is to target your top members based on spend. For example, Top 500 members by lifetime sales. But what about the members that didn’t QUITE make that group? A great example of using the power of your database to INFLUENCE members spending habits is to target not only the top spenders, but those that fall just below that group.

Status AND Spend/Segment

You should be familiar with the 3 member status’ (Active, Lost, Inactive), but when trying to influence the toughest of members, go the extra step to combine status and spend (or even segment).

Your Lost Customer Reactivation efforts need to be reviewed and switched up regularly. These members are VALUABLE, and we’ve got to work hard to get them to respond. Here are a few ideas to increase lost member reactivations:
– Members who haven’t visited in X days, with at least $XXXX in Lifetime Sales
– Most RECENT Lost Members who visited at least 2 times in a XX period of time
– Members gone lost since March 2020, limited to Top XXX

Pro Tip #1: Understand and appreciate that it will take more marketing effort to reactivating a Lost
Member, than it will to get an Active Member to return.

Pro Tip #2: Use a multimedia approach to targeting. In this scenario, you might choose to target the toughest members with a direct mail campaign, and an email to the ones who already show a strong spending history in your business.

PAST Response Or NO Response

Disclaimer: Past response is not necessarily an indication of future response. THAT SAID, if you’re looking to really hit a campaign out of the water, or if you’re looking for a challenge, here are a few ways to look at past response and use it to your advantage:
– Top members who have ALREADY redeemed a special offer in the last 3 months. (They’re already PRIMED to respond)
– Lost Members with a Minimum Lifetime Spend of $XXX.XX (Make sure you use a SUPER rich, compelling offer on these ones!)
– Lost Members who DIDN’T redeem or MISSED a Birthday in the last 24 months
– Top Members who DIDN’T redeem their 2021 Birthday (Plus, this will make you look like a HERO)

Interest Groups

With Interest Groups, the possibilities are endless and completely in your control. Interest Groups is a custom option that allows you to segment members into groups HOWEVER you want. Here are some examples of Interest Groups you can setup and target with specific communications:
– Seniors, Veterans, Snowbirds (or seasonal customers), or VIP members
– Special interests like college students, specific car brands, golfers, wine lovers
– Local community clubs or local university faculties
– Breakfast Lovers or Lunch Bunch
– Merchandise type


Even though we KNOW Rewards Members have already visited you, where they LIVE is still very relevant to this conversation. Your membership is ALWAYS changing, which is why we process the National Change of Address (NCOA) Registry against your member database every 3 months.

The NCOA process automatically updates the addresses for members who have moved, but there are still important decisions only YOU can make! If you haven’t reviewed your NCOA results in the last few months, call your Coach. Don’t waste your marketing dollars marketing to members who have moved too far away
to visit you.

And when you have a special event, promotion or offer on short notice, think about including this variable into your targeted list:
– Reside within a 10 minute driving distance to your business
– Limit to SPECIFIC zip codes, closest to your business
Pro Tip: Use the geography of your existing member database to target NEW customers. Ask your Coach how.