Do I ‘Reely’ Have To Do This?

Note: If you are new to Instagram, read our article on ‘7 Tips For Beginners On Instagram’ first, then come back to this article to take your Gram skills up to the next level!

In case you haven’t heard it yet, Instagram is no longer a photo sharing app. That’s according to Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram…. as of over a year ago. So now what is it? They’ve transitioned to rely heavily on promoting videos, which they call reels, over still images. Reels allow you to combine multiple videos or photos into one cohesive post that can be shared on your profile or in stories. Has your business posted a reel lately? They are a great way to show off your personality, products, or services, and are a good tool to boost engagement and reach more followers. We’ve been conditioned to like information being
delivered in short bursts of video content. And if you’ve scrolled Instagram for even a minute, you will see how quickly you are lured down the rabbit hole of reels.

WATCH. Follow some accounts in your industry, follow influencers, watch randomly. But WATCH. Before you create, you must
first understand what a successful reel is. Trust us, this will be enlightening.

PLAN. Create reels intentionally. First, decide on the content or topic your reel will be about, create a simple plan that outlines
how it will unfold, then start to gather the video or photos you will need. Think of it like a mini- movie…and you’re the director.

USE A HEADLINE. Well not entirely. But make the first 3 seconds count – THEY are your headline.

EDIT. Successful reels don’t necessarily need to look “professional”, but they might need some editing. They don’t need to be
perfect, they just need to look real to appeal to your audience, so make yourself presentable and pay attention to the

WORK WITH AN EXPERT. You likely already have a ‘reel’ expert on your team. If this seems intimidating to you, recruit one of
your team members to take it on with you.

ENGAGE. BE DYNAMIC. Incorporate humor and add music or sound effects. Don’t focus on your face, rather use different
backgrounds and positions, keeping your audience’s eyes moving.

PROVIDE VALUE. Reveal industry-specific secret knowledge. Show something ‘behind the scenes’, share tips for your
customers or share insights into your business and the quality you offer.

BE RELEVANT. Don’t be afraid to let the latest craze, or the biggest trends to inspire you.

SHARE. Share your reel on your profile, in your stories and on other social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter
depending on what you use.

If used correctly, Instagram can become a valuable tool in your marketing toolbox with the potential to connect you to new customers who may not have otherwise known about you. It provides a means for your business to demonstrate relevance and to gain followers that can come to know, like and trust you. Once you have an avid follower, your next strategy is to get them into your business as a paying customer, signed up as a Rewards Member, and moving up your profit pyramid.