Why I Actually Love Going To The Dentist
When it comes to customers having to choose your business over another, it comes down to how your business is experienced. Use our 360 tool to see how your business is perceived from a customer’s point of view.

Hook. Line. Click
A catchy subject line will significantly impact your email open rates – and if they don’t open it, what’s the point of sending it? A persuasive subject line will get your email opened and that’s the biggest hurdle for getting your recipients to read on and take the desired action. A compelling subject line is like the key that unlocks the door the success of your marketing efforts.

Let's Give 'Em Something To Talk About
We all love the next new and exciting shiny idea…but the true value of knowing the actual results of your marketing is that you can harness to power of your winners. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, make it BIGGER and BETTER!

Superpowers, Storytelling and Pistachio Cream Pie
You have a superpower that the big brands don’t have. You are a real person with your own business. And with that comes your personal stories. Sharing them is you SUPERPOWER. And all it needs to be is a few simple sentences.

The Email That Generates $1500.00 Every Time I Send It
Once again, Bent Hansen, owner of Los Gringos Locos and a longtime EZ Profit Newsletter contributor, reveals a secret he discovered that has changed his email marketing forever.