How to Capture Reward Transactions in 3rd Party Delivery Apps

Reward Transactions are a critical part of you Rewards Program. If you’re using a 3rd party delivery app or online ordering platform, you MUST ensure Rewards Members can still earn points.

Why Are Transactions SO Important?

  • – They are how Rewards Members earn POINTS
  • – They allow Rewards Members to earn REWARDS
  • – They keep Rewards Members ACTIVE (so they continue to receive other important marketing)
  • – They trigger the Customer SURVEY (which sends you invaluable feedback about your business)
  • – With the Customer Survey, they help you build positive online REVIEWS
  • – And they ensure your marketing results are ACCURATE!!!

What’s The Solution?

It’s simple. Ensure Rewards Members can earn points by creating a new menu item for your Rewards Membership. In the description, provide simple directions asking for their Membership Number. Then, have a team member to process the reward transaction once the order is received. Genius, right?

Here’s What It Will Look Like…