It Hasn’t Happened Since 2017…

August 21, 2017.That is the last time a Total Solar Eclipse happened in North America. And for many people, (HINT: some of your customers included!) this event will be a VERY big deal.

It’s such a big deal that some people will drive hundreds of miles to get in on the action. I had a friend who drove solo from Vancouver, BC to just outside of Portland, OR to make sure she had the best seat in the house in 2017. 

And the next Total Solar Eclipse is happening April 8th, 2024. A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun. The sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk and those standing in the path of totality may see the Sun’s outer atmosphere (the corona) if weather permits.

How are YOU going to leverage it? This type of event is a marketer’s dream… a compelling phenomenon that draws significant interest and it hasn’t happened in almost 6 years. It’s a perfect opportunity to leverage ‘Slip Streaming’! In racing, this is where one racer follows behind another closely to reduce drag and take advantage of decreased wind resistance. And in marketing, it works the same way. It’s about hitching a ride, seizing an opportunity, and leveraging a conversation that is already happening in the mind of your customers.

If you’re in the path of this upcoming eclipse, everyone in your town will be talking about it. And the ways you can take advantage of it are endless.

According to NASA, safety is the number one priority when viewing a total solar eclipse. Viewers will need to wear specialized eye protection designed for solar viewing.
Easy wins? A premium campaign, giving away Solar Eclipse Glasses as part of your offer to attract customers into your business in the days and weeks leading up to the event.

You could sell or give away a limited-edition memento, create a special “Eclipse” bundle of services, or if you serve food create a special “Eclipse” inspired dish. And if you want to go all out, collaborate in your community on a solar eclipse viewing.

Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. Your Coach can help you plan out all the details, schedule an appointment or call them at 1-888-353-5012.