Platinum Elite Member Bent Hansen tells a good story about accountability. For many years, he attended our seminars and workshops religiously, sitting in the back and taking copious notes. At the end of the sessions, he would head back to his business feeling accomplished, full of information, and with a list of ideas ready to be implemented. And then reality would set in. Every business owner can relate. A Manager called in sick. A piece of equipment broke. A PR emergency that only you can deal with. His list of ideas would fall lower and lower down the To-Do list, until the next seminar and the cycle begins all over again.
Accountability separates the wisher in life from the action-takers that care enough about their future to account for their daily actions. – John Di Lemm

What can you do to hold and keep yourself accountable? Here are some easy and realistic tips to use your time more efficiently and get the RIGHT things done:
Write down your GOALS/TASKS/TO-DO’s (big or small) and include timelines.
1. Schedule your day in BATCHES:
– 2-3 hours for Projects (and turn your phone OFF)
– 2-3 hours for Misc. Tasks (ie. emails, small tasks, errands)
2. Dedicated time for health and wellness (whatever that means to you)
3. End your day with review on progress and plan for tomorrow
4. Start your day by tackling the BIGGEST projects
5. Set simple guidelines for non-urgent phone calls and emails from your team
6. Don’t let someone else’s crisis become your crisis
7. Don’t be discouraged if you fall off track. Get right back on.
For Bent, it all turned around when he joined Platinum Elite. Platinum Elite is a group of the most successful Royalty Rewards® Merchants, who meet 3 times a year (virtually most recently). Each two-day meeting focuses on implementation, taking action on the items each member deems as having the most potential to improve their business. This year, the group has not been deterred in their relentless focus to succeed. With the pandemic, little time was spent focusing on the negative, and everyone went to work on ways that they could modify their businesses to thrive in the new environment and continue to bring in sales. They hold EACH OTHER Accountable.
Are you ready for a Platinum Elite Test Drive? Ask your Coach if you are eligible to attend a future meeting for free, 1-888-353-5012.