Where Will YOU Be This Time NEXT Year?
What improvements do you want? How many vacations will you have taken? How much money will you have taken to the bank? Now is the time to map out a plan to have those things come true.

Santa's Secret To A Steady Stream
Of Customers All Year Long
Santa’s elves don’t start building toys in December. If you want to benefit from a strong list of active, engaged customers you need to take a page from Santa’s book.
We have 3 GIFTS that will help make this easier for your team this holiday season and all year long.

Why Do I Always Have To Sit Next To The Farting Cat?
What differentiates you as a “Business Owner” vs. a “Business Operator” is how you REACT to the inevitable challenges – here’s one Merchant’s story about how he moved away from the “farting cat”.

A Lesson In Marketing: The Power Of A Guarantee
For a marketer (and if you’re reading this, you ARE a marketer) the opportunities available to grow your business are endless and there is one great lesson we want to share with you today.

3 Steps To Turn Prospects Into Loyal Customers
What makes customers choose YOU? What makes YOU the place they frequent again and again? It isn’t what you sell…